Legends & Stories

Fetishes animals

In a time when the Zuni tribe iived from agriculture and hunting, the hunters could'nt ...


According to legend, dreamcatchers were used by the woodland Indians. Hanging from a be...


For Native Americans, feathers represent a gift from the Great Spirit as well as the bi...


In the Hopi religion, each thing has two aspects in the world : visual and spriritual. ...


Kokopelli is a mythical character often represented as a hunchback flute player, out of...

Moccasins Huron

These moccasins are hand-made by the Huron Wendeke natives. For many moons, they've ref...

The Turquoise

Since 1971, we bring you the most beautiful turquoise stones, from the pale blue "Dry C...

Corn maiden

In the Pueblo indian culture, corn is to the people the very symbol of life. The Corn M...


The Hopis, descending from the Anazasis, have long specialized in pure-silver crafting,...


The Navajo (also called Dineh, "people") are originally from the northern part of the A...

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